Service form

If you have technical problems, repairs or warranty queries, the service request is your easy way to contact our support colleagues. You can also request to send your item to the SXT Care Service here.

Important: If you wish to assert warranty claims, these must be submitted to your contractual partner from whom you purchased the product you are complaining about.

Personal Data

What type of article is it?
Is there SXT CARE PLUS protection?
Please send us photos or videos describing the problem.
The images make it easier for us to better assess the damage and the associated repairs. Photos taken with your mobile phone are sufficient for us.
In the event of a warranty claim, please be sure to upload the invoice documents.
Your data will be used to answer this request as well as for statistical purposes.

Mandatory fields are marked * marked

We usually process your request within 1-3 working days. Please note that depending on our workload, processing times may take longer. However, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Click here for the service form:

To the service form